Customizable to your budget & requirement

Offers complete flexibility. Number of belts and
the density can be custom designed to suit requirement

Larger coverage Area

Coverage of area dewatered
with only perforated Pipes

Coverage of area dewatered
with perforated Pipes along
with Streamline belts


  • Does not clog with fine soil / sand particles or algae
  • Particles smaller than the opening of the grooves (0.3 mm)
    can enter the grooves but will easily get washed away
  • There is no scope of root growth in the system as the
    opening of grooves face downwards
  • Excellent Load Bearing capacity due to flat profile of 2mm
  • Lifetime Maintenance free

Reduce sloppy, watery lawns and
encourage ideal moisture content in soil

Streamline drains only the excess water from the soil keeping a perfect
amount of moisture on perch for optimal growing conditions.